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  • UCFL214


    Model Appearance size(mm) kg Model Model of matched bearing pedestal D B S L J H A A1 A2 N DS UCFL214 125 74.6 30.2 265 216 160 54 22 31 23 M20 5.6 UC214 FL214
  • UCFL212


    Model Appearance size(mm) kg Model Model of matched bearing pedestal D B S L J H A A1 A2 N DS UCFL212 110 65.1 25.4 250 202 140 48 18 29 23 M20 4 UC212 FL212
  • UCFL218


    Model Appearance size(mm) kg Model Model of matched bearing pedestal D B S L J H A A1 A2 N DS UCFL218 160 96 39.7 320 265 205 68 24 40 25 M22 11 UC218 FL218